Sunday, June 05, 2005

Hunger Strikes

I’m hungry.  That’s the problem with dieting; even if it’s one of the diets that let you eat plenty of food, you still feel like something’s missing.


I’m doing the Atkins thing.  Again.  When I did it the first time, I lost 33 pounds.  Then it got to the holidays and I took a few months off and gained 20 of those pounds back.  So I went back on it again, lost 15 pounds and hit the holidays again.  After gaining 10 pounds, I decided to skip the dieting and just “eat healthy”.  I was able to maintain a stable weight that way, but not lose any.


So now I’m back on my modified version of Atkins (it’s actually a little closer to South Beach).  It works.  I lost nine pounds in May.  But I feel like there’s a hole in the middle of my body, like some integral part is missing.  I’m carb-starved.  This diet does strange things to my body and mind.  I see one of my sons eating cereal and I’m overcome with a lust normally reserved for cheesecake.  I never thought I would be in a position where I would kill for corn flakes.


It could be worse.  One of my co-workers told me that she started to lose her hair when she went low-carb.  A nurse said that low-carb diets can lead to renal failure.  I guess I’ll take my chances for the sake of being thinner.  It’s the American way, right?


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