Friday, June 10, 2005

I Had a Dream Last Night

Thank you, God, for not making me a prophet.

I had a dream last night. It was weird and convoluted, as all dreams are. At one point I was trying to get across a field without being trampled by several large and angry animals. I made it across, as did most of my family – they hadn’t been there when I started crossing – but one of my two-year-old boys got trampled.

If you’ve ever wondered whether you can feel emotion in a dream, the answer is yes. I remember my despair as if it had actually happened. Fortunately, I woke up soon after this and he was sleeping peacefully right beside me.

My wife and I have spoiled the twins from the start. They get whatever they want, provided it’s safe and we actually have some (“Sorry, we’re out of popsicles.”). When they were babies and woke in the middle of the night we would transfer them into our bed. Now they sleep in our bed every night. Eventually we’re going to have to kick them out, but for now we like it this way.

You can say all you want about teaching kids independence or letting them cry until they fall asleep or whatever. I don’t buy it. D and M are two years old. If they cry, I pick them up and walk with them until they’re not crying anymore. They’re still innocent. There will be plenty of time in the future for them to learn that the world is unsafe, cruel, and unfair. I’m going to protect them from it as long as I can.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

test commment. ;)

12:02 PM  
Blogger Krista Heiser said...

That's not spoiling, that's love. And I'm glad you don't feel a need to apologize for how you want to raise your children.

As for the emotion in dreams, I've woken up heartbroken, angry, and panicked on more than one occassion. I hate it when it takes a minute or two for the dream to fade and reality to resume.

3:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks. :)

i remember a lot of my dreams vividly, even after years have gone by. there is a complete dream world that i could map out. dreams are weird things.

2:38 PM  

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