Thursday, January 19, 2006

Master of Flying Guillotine part...whichever part we're on

The Final Chapter!! Sort Of!!

TOAB decides to set up a trap for TFG. First he purchases several odd-looking metal stands, each about three feet high, from the local blacksmith. Then he rents out the undertaker’s building and places the stands at strategic spots around the building. Finally he goes back to the house.

All of this setup, incidentally, actually happens before the battle with Jap; I just didn’t have time to go into it yesterday.

So after Jap and Hat are killed, TFG shows up. TOAB tells the girl to wait in the house, even though it is presumably still hot, and moves into a stand of bamboo poles. TFG attacks, but the guillotine keeps landing on the poles instead of on TOAB. Eventually TOAB runs out of poles and sprints away, with TFG hot in pursuit.

TOAB first hides in a bird-seller’s building, and the noise from all the birds confuses TFG (as you’ll recall, he’s blind, so he relies on hearing). But TFG is not a master for no reason, and eventually lands a blow on TOAB that sends him through the wall and into the undertaker’s place.

The battle ranges throughout the building and, just as TFG seems to be getting the upper hand, TOAB reveals his plan; the odd stands are springboards that hold hatchets; every time TOAB steps on one, it impales TFG in the chest. TFG is a tough MF, though, and he continues the battle with one sticking out of him. TOAB finally manages to break the guillotine in half with a hatchet, and they are reduced to battling hand-to-hand. TOAB lands a hard blow to TFG’s chest that shoves the hatchet further in and then…

The movie ends. For some reason my cable or Showtime screwed up the time and the recording ended before the movie did. I have it set to record again, but it doesn’t come back on for a few days. I’ll let you know the conclusion when I find out.


Blogger Jona said...

LOL! You'd better come back and tell me how this finishes!!

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It all sounds so exciting!

10:48 AM  

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