Thursday, September 22, 2005

Blog Stew

I have nothing of value to say today, but I feel like writing, so I’m posting something anyway. I was going to say something about my 3-year-old who fell down some stairs yesterday and received a rather nasty lump from the ceramic tile on the floor, but since he escaped with only a mild concussion and seems fine, it felt a little too anti-climatical.

I was going to mention that Tamara Siler Jones’ new book “Threads of Malice” is popping up in pre-published form, but most of my traffic comes from links from her site, so that felt rather redundant. That being said, if you’re someone who didn’t come from her blog (see link, I’m too lazy to make another one here for you), make sure you get it when it comes out. I promise it’s worth the money.

I was going to do a post on music -- how many people listen to music while they’re writing? I can’t. I like silence when I’m writing. It’s more than a distraction; it’s an irritant, like a fly buzzing around your face when you’re trying to sleep. I feel the same way about music in video games. The first thing I do when I load a new game is go to the audio settings and turn off the music track. – but that’s as far as I got before I realized that I didn’t have anything else to say about it.

Let’s see, what else have I got? There’s a showdown of sorts in my ESPN fantasy league; 2-0 Worthington is facing 2-0 Kregen (I think that’s how Ronn spelled it). Both have good players. Worthington hit triple digits last week in its blow-out win, while the Scorpions had to come from behind to win 97-93 over my son’s team. It’ll be a great match-up, especially since Eli Manning does not have a bye this week (and didn’t last week, either), so he’ll probably be starting.

So today’s post is a hodge-podge, a stew of half-thought-out ideas that I don’t really feel like thinking too deeply about. Hope you enjoyed it.

Fearless Prediction of the day: Olentangy Trailblazers 23, Newark Whoevers 6


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I MUST have tunes to write. Must. No music = no typing.

12:39 PM  
Blogger Jona said...

I'm hodge-podge today too!

Sorry to hear you little one had a fall - and bearing in mind you're writing a true life blog, a mild concussion is not an anti-climax, it's the best ending and we wouldn't have wanted anything different, so there :o)

4:39 PM  
Blogger Jona said...

I hate not having an edit function on comments! Sorry for the spelling mistakes - and I don't mean the 'best' ending - bouncing without the concussion would have been the BEST, but.. oh you know what I mean, we wouldn't have wanted blood and stiches!

4:42 PM  
Blogger Ronn McCarrick said...

It's Kregen, as in the Alan Burt Akers/Dray Prescot series from the 70's. But I forgive you your ignorance if you forgive mine about who's actually playing and not playing on my team :)

As to music while writing, it has to be the right music. I usually put together a playlist of songs that I think fit what I'm working on. Which at this time is a whole lot of nothing.

5:00 PM  
Blogger Josh said...

@ deb - i just meant that, as a story, it didn't have a good finish. he cracked his head, we rushed him to the hospital, oh the worry! oh, the cat scan came back clear. time to go home.

see? anti-climatical.

@ ronn - never heard of those books; maybe we're not the same person after all. as for the writing, perhaps that's the problem -- start listening to music and maybe the words will come. ;)

1:20 PM  

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