Friday, September 02, 2005

What is Wrong With You People?

Okay, I get the looting. Sort of. I mean, it’s nothing that I would ever take part in myself, but the looting in New Orleans was (or should have been) expected. Whenever there is any kind of crisis, the loonies of the world use it as an excuse to loot and pillage.

But this morning I opened my e-mail to see this:

CNN Breaking News -- New Orleans hospital halts patient evacuations after coming under sniper fire, a doctor who witnessed the incident says.

This goes as far above and beyond loony-looting as the space shuttle goes above my car. Who shoots at hospital patients? How freaking deranged do you have to be to even think to do such a thing?

*Sigh*. Well, the news that the people of the world are screwed up shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone.

On a less important note, here’s my fearless prediction for the week:

Ohio State 34, Miami (Oh) 12


Blogger Ronn McCarrick said...

Holly shit! I didn't see that, they're sniping the hospital. I'd read that they were shooting at rescue helicopters, but this is too much. I guess there are those who will go to some sick extremes to keep anarchy in the area.

8:43 PM  

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